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Friday, November 26, 2010

Holiday Time

I have not given up on my new weight loss plan, just on hold.  Since losing my 13 lbs, I have been holding steady and plan to get back on it soon.  Right now it's Thanksgiving time and I'm just trying to get through the holidays.  John and I had our Thanksgiving at home, just him and me.  I came from a big family and I really miss all the people, the children, the family feel of the holidays. 

I only have my one son and he is living in Alabama with his wife and my ex-husband.  I am so jealous that I am not there with my only son.  Oh well, he is happy and I try to be happy for him when we talk.  I'll talk about his successes at another time.  Right now the holidays are just hard for me and I don't think John has any idea.  He comes from a small family so holidays are always small affairs.  Me, there were always lots of family and few friends.  Everyone helping in the kitchen and talking with my mom and sister- in-laws.  These have great memories for me, and now it's just empty.  I cook the full Thanksgiving meals by myself, clean it all up and John is such an only child that his mom did everything and he doesn't pitch in.

Anyway, how do I get through this time?  Maybe I'll just go away for a few days by myself.  Right now work will keep me busy till the Christmas break, then what.  John and I home alone, by ourselves.  Doesn't sound like much of a vacation.  Just make the best of it.  It could be worse, I could be alone. Till next time.

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