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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas in Antioch

I had a great time visiting with my brother Gary and his family for Christmas.  Big John is still butt hurt and is mad at my family from last 4th of July.  So he stayed home and I let him be.  How do I feel about the situation?  Well, I am hurt and somewhat angry.  Sometimes I think we should be supportive of what our partners are doing and spend time with them even if it's not something you would do.  Minor sacrifice in my opinion.  John and I spent Thanksgiving home alone, no family, no friends, just him and me.  I was raised with big family events, tons of kids, lots of food, and just a really fun time.  I wasn't going to spend my Christmas home alone and now I refuse to spend any holiday home just the two of us again.

Gary and Sylvia had Sylvia's sister Barbara and her husband Ron there along with their son Ronnie and his wife Stacey.  My two nieces Carrie Ann and Natalie with their husbands Joe and Bryan were also there.  Add the kids and it was such a wonderful gathering.  I've added a few picture to enjoy.  I really miss the family part of my life.  I never realized how much it is a part of me.  Even when married to Ernie we would visit his family and my family and it was just automatic.  John would just assume go by himself as to invite or think that I would go.  It's so different.  I think it is effecting how I feel about my relationship with him.  I can't get past the yours is yours and mine is mine mentality of our relationship.  We are two individual living in the same place with not that much in common or any desire to grow toward each other.  He tolerates me and I've just become a bitch toward him.  Lousy way to live, but I think we both feel to old to change, to invested and no where else to live. 

I keep getting side tracked.  My family was a wonderful place for me to be.  I talked with my brother and sister-in-law, enjoyed Ron & Barbara as we are all old friends from being in the same family for 40 years.  I would like to see my son Bryan and daughter in law Hannah have children but doesn't look like that if going to happen, so the closest thing I have are my niece's children.  Carrie's daughter Isabella and Natalie's two Joshua and Madison.  Great to spend so much time with just the kids.  Isabella is the oldest at 6 1/2 with Josh almost 3 and Madison at 7 months.  Lots of energy and a time to watch them change and grow.  Ron and Barb's son Ronnie had his two there also, Page 7 1/2 and Parker about 3-4.  I really enjoyed watching all the kids and their parents.  I was so surprised how relaxed their parent were.  They just let the kids have a good time, they were watched, not controlled.  Loved it!  I have a great family, thank you Gary and Sylvia for your invitation.

I spent the time with Gary and Sylvia and Barbara and Ron at Sylvia's house.  Christmas was at Carrie's home, nice end to a great day.  Leave the kids with their parents and spend so social time with the older adults.  Left the next morning around 8am to head back to Fresno.  John was home having a quiet time.  I think he would have enjoyed his time, but you can't make up lost time.  Next time we all get together is SuperBowl Sunday, Feb. 6, 2011.  John says he's staying home for that too.  I'm not, I'm going to see my family and enjoy this little piece of my life.  Enough for now.  Now I need to figure out how to post a few picture of Christmas.

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